Bernie Taylor’s Blog exploring ancient civilizations, archeoastronomy, art history, cave art, mythology, depth psychology, and what it means to be truly human.

May 2024
Netflix Secrets of Neanderthals – The death of Neanderthal art?
The documentary is telling in not including so-called “Neanderthal art” at Gorham’s Cave in Gibraltar. Let’s examine why not […]

December 2023
Rising Star Cave Engravings – Part II: The Terrestrial Plane
Cave of Bones saga followers navigating between widely dissenting beliefs on the who, when and what of the Rising Star Cave may find […]

September 2023 TORTOISE Addition Update
Rising Star Cave Engravings – Part I: The Underworld
Are the South African Rising Star Cave engravings of Homo Naledi or Homo sapiens? A closer look at the evidence […]

October 19, 2021
Journal of Geography Book Review – The Knowledge Machine
Few topics exist that are off limits to the scientific community. Paramount among these taboos is the legitimacy of the scientific method, as any such interrogation places […]

June 1, 2020
Physics Today – “The Rich Past of Astronomical Discovery“
Exploring the history of astronomy is a more challenging journey than one might expect. To understand how humans have viewed the stars, readers must be ready to grapple not only with astronomical concepts, but with […]

May 29, 2020
Picasso’s Ice Age Inspiration for Guernica?
This is where Picasso would have stopped to raise his lamp closer to […]

May 19, 2020
We may find that deeper connection with animal beings through our psychic and, less often, physical experiences with the bear. The psychotherapist Carl Jung found that the bear […]

May 13, 2020
We found all of the stages in this archetypal hero’s journey on the Gallery of Discs. We may include the crisis point where the hero faces […]

May 10, 2020
Precession of the Equinoxes Before Hipparchus?
There is no historical basis to gauge a culture’s body of knowledge by the maxim “if we can’t see (or understand) it today, then no one has seen (or understood) it in the past.” We have found […]

May 5, 2020
Myths are passed through the seasons of the night sky as constellations and stars, projecting man’s psyche into the cosmos. Characters that are light years from earth but still within the grasp of the human imagination. Bernie Taylor

May 1, 2020
The gods of old are still watching as they continually remind us of our mortal frailties through the same psychological complexes that the ancients projected in their names through myth. Bernie Taylor

April 25, 2020
Fear is a story that has not happened. There are other versions that can be told. Bernie Taylor

April 20, 2020
We individually choose a vision for the world that we live in. Bernie Taylor

April 12, 2020
The one/us/me and the other is in the nature of all beings. Together they form the basic story lines of the anxiety consumed hero who is reluctant to answer the call and the equally anxious stranger on the other side of the door who are one in the same. Bernie Taylor

April 2, 2020
The idea of lost geniuses from deep in the Paleolithic is supported in the archaeological record where the most spectacular panels left to us, which were unmatched in ancient times, are in the caves of Altamira, El Castillo and Chauvet dating to more than 32,000 years ago. Bernie Taylor

March 25, 2020
When an archetype is encountered the story is evoked. Bernie Taylor

March 12, 2020
There is then a silence. The kind of silence when all that is appears to be listening intently for a revelation of all that will be. Bernie Taylor
More images and videos that explore ancient civilizations, archeoastronomy, art history, cave art, mythology, depth psychology, … can be found throughout the Before Orion site. Hang on. You may find out what it means to be truly human.